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For refugees from MyWay and Tek Board II, and for anyone else wishing to participate.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs


    Posts : 3675
    Join date : 2016-08-26
    Age : 71
    Location : Home

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Empty The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs

    Post  sinister_midget Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:06 pm

    Deservedly so!

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Going-to-hell


    I'm not one to shirk my civic duty. So I took a sexual harassment course this afternoon.

    I think I'm gonna be pretty good at this thing!


    My wife has joined a mission to try to find answers to what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight MH-370. Apparently they aren't satisfied with Don Lemon's explanation that it was grabbed by a black hole.

    Anyway, the wife is perfect for it. She's the one that traced all of Van Gogh's family tree.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Van-gogh-family


    I made dinner last night. I combined alphabet soup and a laxative.

    I call it Letter Rip.


    Keep this handy chart around to avoid ever being confused again.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Cat-species


    Did you know that a pumpkin's circumference divided by its diameter equals pumpkin pi?


    The hardest lessons always seem to be our best teachers.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Ride-her-own-bike


    After my wife died I couldn't even look at another woman for about 13 years.

    But now that I'm out of jail, I can honestly say it was totally worth it.


    Where Democrats eat.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Rike-to-have-chirri


    Find someone who loves you like Barack Obama loves Barack Obama.


    The other thing that triggered it was somebody told them Hondurans are registering Republican.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Straw-smuggling


    People frequently complain about the police, but you rarely hear about the positive things they do, such as this incident involving a biker and a frozen carburetor.

    Last January on a bitterly cold winter's day, a North Dakota State Trooper on patrol came upon a motorcyclist who was stalled by the roadside. The biker was swathed in heavy protective clothing and wearing a full-face helmet to protect the face from the cold weather.

    "What's the matter? asked the Trooper "

    “Carburetor's frozen," was the terse reply.

    "Pee on it. That'll thaw it out."

    "I can't," said the biker. "

    “OK, watch me closely and I'll show you."

    The Trooper unzipped and promptly warmed the carburetor as promised. Moments later the bike started and the rider drove off, waving.

    A few days later, the local State Troopers' office received a note of thanks from the father of the motorcyclist.

    It began: "On behalf of my daughter Janice...


    Nobody'll be able to tell the difference.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Acosta


    Dear middle finger,

    Thank you for sticking up for me!


    Be careful where you get your vacation advice!

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Trip-to-mars


    I saw today that the economy is doing so good that even Obama is considering becoming an American citizen!


    Some people find odd things when they trace their roots.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Gene-pool


    My wife just texted me, "Wish you were here."

    For some reason she does that every time she walks through a cemetery.


    Many things do.

    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Tastes-like-chicken


    My stomach is flat. The "L" is silent.



    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Identifies-as-49


    I know right from wrong.

    Wrong is the fun one.


    The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs Sure-is-hot

      Current date/time is Wed May 08, 2024 1:23 pm